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saleb@gwell.cn +86 18861951768

Twin-screw garment film cast film laminating extruder

First, raw material selection    

The use of hydrolysis-resistant yellowing-resistant polyurethane thermoplastic elastomers, fat TPU good, but not yellowing TPU is not available. except for EPDM, all elastomers have poor thermal and oxygen stability. The fluidity of the material is an important indicator.    

Second, raw material drying    

Different grades of TPU raw material drying temperature and time is not the same, extrusion TPU protective film equipment, drying temperature is usually 80 to 100 degrees, the time is 3 hours. Drying machine is good to use vacuum drum dryer, similar to the German KF dryer appropriate caking is not suitable for TPU drying.    

Third, the basic requirements of the production process    

TPU base film is usually produced by casting method. Due to the TPU base film elasticity, but also easy to get into the air, can not reel larger size of the finished product, so in the production process are used in the two-layer PET release film folder attached in order to receive a large volume.   




Contact: Vivian Wong

Phone: +86 18861951768

Tel: +86 18861951768

Email: saleb@gwell.cn

Add: NO. 69 Hongrong Road,Chongchuan District, Natong, Jiangsu, China