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XPS extruded polystyrene foam board production line

XPS extruded polystyrene foam board (XPS for short) has a perfect closed hole honeycomb structure. It is currently the best insulation material the market recognized as. Recycled EPS polystyrene granules is the main raw material. Its density, water absorption, steam permeability coefficient and thermal conductivity is lower than other types of tabular heat preservation material, Thus it has a strong intensity, light material, airtight, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, low price, etc. It is  widely used in heat preservation and heat insulation roofing system; cold storage, barracks, grain storage, and civil building wall inside and outside the thermal insulation; airport runway, square and other ground construction; civil engineering of highway and railway; apartment, office building, factory building partition system and so on.

Performance features:

1.Thermal insulation

With the characteristics of high thermal resistance, low linearity and low expansion ratio, its structure has a closed-hole ratio of more than 99%, forming a vacuum layer, avoiding air flow and heat dissipation, and ensuring the durability and stability of its thermal insulation performance. Compared with the 80% closed-hole ratio of foaming polyurethane, its leading advantage is really obvious. Practice has proved that 20mm thick XPS extrusion insulation board, its insulation effect is equivalent to 50mm thick foam polystyrene, 120mm thick cement perlite. Therefore, this material is the best choice for building heat insulation.

2.High compressive strength

Due to the special structure of XPS plate, its compressive strength is extremely high and its impact resistance is extremely strong. According to the different models and thickness of XPS, its compressive strength can reach more than 150 ~ 500Kpa, and it can withstand various systems of the ground load. It is widely used in geothermal engineering, expressway, airport runway, square ground, large cold storage and interior decoration insulation and other fields.

3.Hydrophobic, moisture-proof

Water absorption is an important parameter to measure thermal insulation material. After absorbing water, the thermal insulation performance of the thermal insulation material decreases. In the case of low temperature, the water inhaled is easy to freeze, which destroys the structure of the thermal insulation material, thus reducing the compressive resistance and thermal insulation performance of the plate. Because polystyrene molecular structure itself does not absorb water, plate molecular structure is stable, no gap, solving other materials leakage, infiltration, frost, condensation and other problems.

4.Light weight, easy to use

XPS board's fully closed cellular foam chemical structure and its honeycomb physical structure make it light weight, high strength, easy to cut, transport, not easy to break, easy to install.

5.Good stability and anticorrosion

In use for a long period of time, it will not be aged, won't break down and produce harmful substances. Its chemical performance is very stable. After absorbing water and corrosion degradation, its performance is still stable. Under the environment of high temperature, it can still maintain its superior performance. According to relevant data, XPS extruded thermal insulation boards even after used for 30 ~ 40 years, still can maintain the outstanding performance, and won't decompose or mildew and no volatile toxic substances.




Contact: Vivian Wong

Phone: +86 18861951768

Tel: +86 18861951768

Email: saleb@gwell.cn

Add: NO. 69 Hongrong Road,Chongchuan District, Natong, Jiangsu, China