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saleb@gwell.cn +86 18861951768

PETG furniture board decorative sheet production line

GAG sheet is one kind of PET sheet, also is a widely used sheet in our life, GAG sheet is a composite sheet with many advantages and wide range of use, it has three layers of sheet composite, the upper middle and lower three layers are PETG - AETG - PETG.

GAG sheet is one kind of PET sheet, also is a widely used sheet in our life, GAG sheet is a composite sheet with many advantages and wide range of use, it has three layers of sheet composite, the upper middle and lower three layers are PETG - AETG - PETG.

Product characteristics - good transparency,transparency up to 90% or more, texture It is suitable for products that require high transparency and the sheet used for blister packaging is called hard sheet or film. The common ones are: PET (polyethylene terephthalate) rigid sheet, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) rigid sheet, PS (polystyrene) rigid sheet, PS rigid sheet with low density, poor toughness, easy to burn, burning will produce styrene gas (a harmful gas), so generally used to produce various industrial blister trays. PETG sheet is good toughness, high transparency, easy to burn, does not produce harmful gas when burning, belongs to environmental protection materials, but the price is high, suitable for high-grade blister products. It is mainly used for decorative sheets, attached sheets, used in building materials, furniture boards, packaging, medicine and many other industries.




Contact: Vivian Wong

Phone: +86 18861951768

Tel: +86 18861951768

Email: saleb@gwell.cn

Add: NO. 69 Hongrong Road,Chongchuan District, Natong, Jiangsu, China